Who may play golf at ESTEC?
The ESTEC golf course may only be used by “playing members” of the Club, their guests, official guests of the Club and other persons specifically authorised by the Committee.
Members are not required to have a GVB to use the course, but you are asked not to go out on the course by yourself until you have acquired some basic skills and knowledge of course etiquette.
How to Join
If you would like to join our club please print out the application form at the link below, fill in the required information and send it to the membership secretary. Payment details and contact points and membership fees are given on the form, see EGC-Application-form .
Categories of Membership
The Club has six categories of membership:
- Full Members
- Junior Members
- Country Members
- Invited Members
- Honorary Members
- Non-playing Members
As Full Members, the Club accepts:
- ESTEC Employees
- ESTEC Staff Members
- ESTEC Retirees
- Immediate family members who are above the age for Junior Membership
The category of Non-playing Member is intended for non-golfing partners of Full Members or parents of Junior Members who wish to be associated with the club. The Club also accepts members of the wider ESTEC community who wish only to participate in the Club’s social activities.
As Junior Members the Club accepts the children of ESTEC employees, who, at the start of the membership year, have not yet reached the age of 21 years.
Honorary Members shall be nominated by the Committee for election at a General Meeting. A list of Honorary Members shall be placed on the club website
As Country Members the Club accepts ESTEC pensioners and their partners who live permanently outside the Netherlands, and ESTEC staff who have been posted elsewhere and live outside the Netherlands.
The membership period corresponds to the calendar year, for new members joining after 30 June subscriptions are reduced to 50%, see the application form above.
There are two parts to the club subscription:
- The annual subscription
- The NGF contribution
For those joining at any time after 30 June, the subscription for the remainder of the calendar year is half of the full annual subscription.
Home Club
The NGF requires all those registered with it to declare one golf club in the Netherlands as their “Home Club”. The Home Club is responsible for administering the member’s handicap. Annual NGF contributions are payable to each club where members have a membership.